Monday, September 29, 2014

Los Angeles, California

We are in Los Angeles, California now. Sadie is in her 3rd week of Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) and she is doing awesome! Vote for her at 1-800-868-3411.
i have learned a lot this weekend.
     Saturday, MK and i went surfing with a Surf Instructor. He told us that where he comes from in South Africa that family is really important. Now all of his family has moved to Los Angeles, and they all found houses/apartments as close as they could to each other. They take turns cooking every night and move from house to house during the week. This struck me because that is exactly how my family is. They made their “small town” with family at the center in a big center where, “It is too loose. There are no family units.”
    That night we went to another Star’s on DWTS house. MK and i were talking to a professional dancer, and he said the same thing. The dancer said his favorite part of DD is the family dinner at end because it is just like his family back in Russia except the Robertson’s are drinking Sweet Tea and his family is drinking Vodka. He also said he is all about accepting of everyone’s beliefs, but quoting him, “The farther you get away from family, the harder it is for people as a whole to stay together.”
     Sunday, we went to church at the 8 o’clock service of Mosaic. The entire thing was revivalizing. Yes, i made up “revivalizing”. It means the breeding ground of a revival in Los Angeles. Mosaic is the cool, fresh thinking, and free culture of Los Angeles with God at the center. We thought it was a club when we were walking up to it. It was crowded, dark, a smoky haze covered, and they were playing some kind of Trap music. Then, when everyone found a place, the blue lights lit up the stage through the smoke, the band played for God like angels would, and the room sang for the One who is fixing their souls. The Sprit moved. It gave me chills.
The songs showed the struggles the people have in L.A. Most of the songs were about the Light in the Darkness, making it through the night, making the people whole again, and how God is cool through the storm.
 Erwin McManus took the stage to preach and he did preach!  

Romans 5
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we[c] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

He said if Hope was a muscle then it would be the abs, and if perseverance was a muscle it would the hamstrings. They are not always the muscles we want to work out because they are not always seen, but from them being strong is the only way the rest of our body can be strong. He also said not everything happens for a reason, but we are to bring a reason to everything that happens. Meaning that life is miserable sometimes. There is suffering in the world. That is not God. God does not bring suffering. God only brings life like it should be. Suffering only shows that life is not how it should be. Pain shows us if what we are doing is working or not. If there is pain then it is not working. There are times that are miserable. We must be resilient. Resilience makes us stronger. It gives us integrity to do the right thing for the right reason. The Resilient people have the character to be filled with Hope.

To sum up the things i have learned:

1.     If you are married then stick with it if for nothing else then to create a family that sticks together.

2.     Maybe the reason you feel like something is wrong with the world is because there is something wrong with the world.

3.     Resilience is to come out stronger then you went in. Hope for how things should be and you will get there eventually.



  1. preach it John Luke! and keep on

  2. Excellent! Thanks for sharing this!

  3. I am so moved by this. Thank you for this post! More power and God bless!

  4. Great post John Luke. God's blessings on you and your family.

  5. God bless!! Love to reading your blog��

  6. the part about not everything happening for a reason, but bringing a reason to everything that happens...PREACH. so many people are thanking God for suffering that His Son paid for on the cross. once and for all. there is suffering in this world, and that is because it is of this world. the best thing i've read today, thank you. :)

  7. This really warms my heart John Luke. It's so so good to hear that there are others out there, even in Los Angeles, that understand the importance of the family unit. And you and your family are an example of that to them, and millions others. Though I don't live in LA, I work in online video, so I work with people from LA all the time. I've really been feeling the call to move out there and be a part of this revival, and be a more direct witness to those I'm working with. If I did move out there, would you say Mosaic is a good church to get hooked up with?

  8. Awesome truths John Luke! Keep preaching the Word without apology!

  9. That was so awesome, and so very true. Thank you for sharing it!

  10. I love what God is doing with your blog. I hope I can meet someone like you.

  11. John Luke - Just out of curiosity, how do both you and Sadie find time to attend school or keep up with schoolwork with all of the events that you attend, and especially for Sadie while she is competing on DWTS? Is it manageable for you to balance the Faith, academic work, and trips/events/etc.?

    1. Sadie is homeschooled with a tutor in Los Angeles while competing.
      I still attend school. This last year especially i I have become a great time-manager. Filming the show is very sporadic, but typical i was have 3 days a week of filming. These past few weekends i have been in Los Angeles. On Monday and Wednesday nights i go to church or bible studies, sometimes other nights as well.
      School plays second fiddle a lot of time, but i go every day i can from 8 to noon, then on those two off days i just work the whole day. Usually making up work missed. This week i happen to be working ahead.
      So yes, it is manageable although its a fine balance.
      Thanks for reading!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. John Luke,
    There's no really easy way to say this. I have been trying to contact you and your family for a while. Through letters, twitter and people of the White Ferry Road church in West Monroe, Louisiana. My name is Tyler Jordan McFerran and I am from Washington state. I am currently attending Dixie State University in Saint George, Utah because I could not afford to go anywhere else.
    I started watching Duck Dynasty when the show first began and, may I say, your family is a huge inspiration to me. I know there are tons of people who say this. But I am different. I am an 18 year old kid and I am struggling so much in my faith and every day life, as a matter of fact. I try to learn and study the Bible on my own and almost every single time I fail. I don't know where to start reading, how I should act or where to really begin with any of this. John Luke, if you could help me grow more in my faith and grow closer to God so I can love Him and love my neighbors then I please ask for your help. I am at a constant struggle with my life and I do not know what to do anymore. If you are seeing and reading this comment please don't keep scrolling. I know this is a long message and may be a comment you weren't expecting, at the least. Please help me grow closer to God and help me to fix my life. You and your family are truly a special and amazing family and I want to live my life as you guys do, through Him. And I want Faith to mean everything to me. Please help me.
    God Bless,
    Tyler Mcferran

    1. 😀 #ThatsDepressing #YouHaveQuiteTheStoryToTell

  14. the bible says if you love the world you are an enemy of GOD

  15. your show is great and Phil is a man of God but does he approve of DWTS,the Spirit of God would stop me from rubbing elbows with hellbound Hollywood,1 JOHN that says not to love the world,he explains to love people but there are too many scriptures about being yoked up with ungodly people,THATS what sets DUCK DYNASTY apart it is not ungodly like dancing with the stars and all the other trash,Willie why are you selling your daughter out to these devils.Do you not think its a setup for corruption,Just ask Hannah Montana's dad who was a God fearing man??????
